Midlands Branch Report 2012
Once again I am pleased to report that the Branch has had a satisfactory 12 months throughout 2012 11 meetings were held over the months, January to November, with an average attendance of 32 members per meeting.
At the start of 2012, we were subject to a little uncertainty, about our continued use of the WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess for our monthly meetings. This was due to the Security issues because of the retirement of the Resident Caretaker, Graham Mayall. However, the problem was overcome due to the intervention of the Squadron Leader, Major Marsh, who kindly gave us permission to use the Squadron club room. My personal thanks must go to the PSAO Captain Goodwin, the SSM Karl Stone and the other senior ranks, who assisted with the move to the clubroom, not forgetting of course our branch members who have supported us throughout, giving their time and effort to ensure the move went as smoothly as possible.
Finally in April we finally moved in to the club room after many hours of re-decoration and a revamp of the bar. Arrangements have been made for the serving members of the Squadron to join us after their duties after each of our branch meetings, a great opportunity for us to meet socially and it is working extremely well.
In May we attended the OCA Cavalry Memorial Parade in Hyde Park which was again well attended. In June we organised a trip to Bournemouth and Normandy which was well attended and again an opportunity to visit Bayeux and other places of interest. My thanks go out to Martin Kerry, Brian Brown and John Maltby for their valuable assistance in making the trips a success.

This site is maintained by friends of A (The Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry) Squadron, The Royal Yeomanry.
The content of this site is unofficial and should not be taken to reflect the policy or practice of any organisation
(in particular, the Army Reserve, the British Army or the UK Ministry of Defence).
The new Branch Meeting Room in the old 'Club'
After the meeting in July, our now completed meeting room was officially declared opened by Captain Beattie (2 i/c) who cut the tape and said a few kind words. In September we organised a trip to the Royal Armouries in Leeds, again well supported by the branch members. On the 24th of October, the Branch celebrated the 20th anniversary of its formation which was on the 20th of October 1992. After the meeting in November we held a prize draw where over 120 prizes were up for grabs. On December the 12th the Branch members and guests sat down to a Christmas dinner which was held in The Magna Charta pub in Lowdam.
Events planned for the rest of 2013 include a trip to Hyde Park in May, for the OCA Cavalry Memorial Parade, and a trip to Normandy in June. If you are interested in taking part in any of our events, please contact Mike Freeman or Martin Kerry. I send out Branch newsletters twice a year to all subscribing members, (£3.50) per year. If you wish to subscribe please contact any of the following committee members. Even if you are unable to attend our Branch meetings, the newsletters are an invaluable way to keep in touch with events and plans within the SRY Association.
Mike Freeman (Chairman)
John Maltby (Vice-Chairman)
Chris Woodward (Treasurer)
Mike Freeman (Branch Chairman)
For further information about the Branch, membership and future events please contact the Branch Chairman via the contact link on these pages.