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Midlands Branch Report 2013

This site is maintained by friends of A (The Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry) Squadron, The Royal Yeomanry.

The content of this site is unofficial and should not be taken to reflect the policy or practice of any organisation

(in particular, the Army Reserve, the British Army or the UK Ministry of Defence).

Currently we have 128 members receiving the branch newsletter which is posted out twice a year. If you wish to subscribe to the branch newsletter contact any of the committee members listed. At £3.50 per annum we think it is well worth it. We currently issue news letters to our branch widows and the veterans of the old Southern Branch free of charge. If you believe that you are eligible to receive free newsletters please let us know.


New members are always welcome and we will always be pleased to see you at our monthly meetings, which are held on the fourth Wednesday each month at the TA Centre Carlton.  We are particularly anxious to regain contact with those who served in the 1980s, 1990s and in more recent years.


We had a very busy 2013 starting with the Branch AGM in February, the Regimental Annual Reunion Dinner in April and, in May, the Cavalry Memorial Parade in Hyde Park.  In June, we went to Normandy where we made our usual pilgrimages to Bayeux and other places of interest.  


Our Remembrance parade took place as usual in Newark on the 10th of November 2013. The old comrades were few in numbers last year, so please to make a concerted effort to come in 2014. If you have a problem with transport please would you make any of the Branch committee aware and we will try to assist.


This year we were very pleased to be able to pay for two children from the Carlton Central School to visit Ypres in Belgium in 2014. This is part of our continuing commitment to support this school and its projects about WW1 and WW2.


On December the 7th we held our branch Christmas “do” when we provided a buffet for 56 members and a few guests. A free drink was available on arrival, and at 2100 hours, a Free Bar was declared. After allowing the food to be consumed and the pint pots to be topped up, we commenced with the Christmas prize draw. Over 100 prizes were available, which took almost 45 minutes to distribute. My personal thanks must go out to everyone who helped out in the organisation of all our events throughout 2013


For further information about the Branch, membership and future events please contact the Branch Chairman via the contact link on these pages.

This site is maintained by friends of A (The Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry) Squadron, The Royal Yeomanry.

The content of this site is unofficial and should not be taken to reflect the policy or practice of any organisation

(in particular, the Army Reserve, the British Army or the UK Ministry of Defence).

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