Squadron News 2017
Over the last 6 months A Sqn RY has deployed soldiers to Poland on Op CABRIT and on numerous overseas exercises to places such as the USA. We have also deployed on a number of large scale exercises such as Ex WESSEX STORM supporting our paired regular regiment the QDG. Within the Sqn we have deployed every month on either an Exercise or a trade training course, the Sqn members have progressed through the RAC training scheme well with training taking place both within the Sqn and externally at Bovington.
To assist with recruitment we have run a large recruiting event or open day every 4 months this has raised the profile of the Sqn significantly within the local area. We maintain our links with other Armed Forces: Two Sqn members are currently on long term attachment to the Canadian and the American Armed Forces.
This year we will continue in the same vein as over the last 6 months. We will be deploying more soldiers on Op CABRIT as well as supporting numerous large scale exercises in the UK and abroad to such places as Australia, Germany and the USA. There will be considerable change to senior positions in the Sqn with the 2ic, Trg Capt, SSM and SQMS handing over. On the 11th of August we will be holding a Yeomanry Day to assist recruiting as well as raising our profile within the local area.

This site is maintained by friends of A (The Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry) Squadron, The Royal Yeomanry.
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